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Quantum theory

Study and teaching (Higher) (3)


Physics for the 21st Century

The Annenberg Media organization has created this wonderful new resource for physics teachers, students, and anyone else who would care to learn more about dark matter, string theory, and other "big topics in modern physics". Produced by the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Science Media group along with the Harvard University Department of Physics, this 11-part course features 22 case...
Prime Case of Chaos

The American Mathematical Society has made available online the article, "Prime Case of Chaos." The article discusses "conjectural links between the Riemann zeta function and chaotic quantum-mechanical systems." Additional full-text articles and tables of contents from each of the four volumes of What's Happening in the Mathematical Sciences are also available.
Quantum Information Science Workshop: Proceedings

Proceedings from an October 28-29, 1999 workshop in Arlington, Virginia on the emerging field of Quantum Information Science are now online at this National Science Foundation page. The workshop proceedings include text and color figures and provide a substantial overview of the emerging field of "interdisciplinary research and education in science and engineering."
Quantum Information Technology

From the research laboratories of Hewlett Packard, Quantum Information Technology provides an informative look at current work in quantum information processing and communication (QIPC). The report, published in November 2002, recognizes the potential applications of QIPC and how it could revolutionize conventional information technology. It cites cryptography, quantum computers, and quantum...