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English poetry -- 18th century


Anne Finch Digital Archives

Anne Finch was an early eighteenth century British poet whose works include the popular poem "The Spleen." In A Room of One's Own, Virginia Woolf wrote that because Finch was largely overlooked by male critics during her lifetime, her talent was "all grown about with weeds and bound with briars" and "had no chance of showing itself for the fine distinguished gift it was." The Anne Finch Digital...
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Romantic Poetry Showcase

Roses are red. Violets are blue. New to romantic poetry? Here is a perfect resource for you. This curation of romantic poetry allows readers to delve into some of the most famous works and writers of the Romantic Period (1780 to 1850). These poems include: "Sunset" by Ann Radcliffe (infused with imagery from nature), "A Mother to Her Waking Infant" by Joanna Baillie (surveying the trials and joys...
William Blake's Songs of Innocence and Experience

William Blake completed the Songs of Innocence, a collection of 19 poems with accompanying woodblock prints, in 1789. Five years later, he completed Songs of Experience, and subsequently published the two collections in a single volume. Themes of the work echo with springtime and renewal, discussing the natural innocence of childhood and the fall from grace that accompanies life in an adult world...