Roses are red. Violets are blue. New to romantic poetry? Here is a perfect resource for you. This curation of romantic poetry allows readers to delve into some of the most famous works and writers of the Romantic Period (1780 to 1850). These poems include: "Sunset" by Ann Radcliffe (infused with imagery from nature), "A Mother to Her Waking Infant" by Joanna Baillie (surveying the trials and joys of motherhood), and a selection of John Keats's poetic resume (known to explore the dichotomy between love and suffering). While the showcase defaults to organizing by poet, the "Find a poem" button near the top of the page provides other filter options (for example, theme or keyword search). In addition to fantastic poetry, readers will find brief biographies about each poet. The resource is provided by Poetry by Heart, a UK-based youth poetry competition designed to "re-ignit[e] the nation's love of poetry," in collaboration with several other UK-based humanities organizations.