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Lesson planning -- Aids and devices


ISTEM: Lessons and Activities

The goal of the Indiana STEM Network (ISTEM) is to help Indiana become a national leader in student academic achievement in STEM disciplines. This section of their well-thought out website provides a wealth of information on excellent lesson plans crafted by their team of experts. Currently the site has over 300 of these plans, organized by intended audience, target grade level, and subject. The...
Knowledge Media Laboratory

How do students learn in the classroom? How can teachers best utilize new and emerging technologies in the classroom? What can teachers do to seamlessly incorporate technology into the learning experience? These are all questions that are asked by The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching’s Knowledge Media Laboratory. On their website, users can learn about their work with...
National Science Foundation: Resources for STEM Education

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has created this useful set of resources related to science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) for educators and others interested in these fields. Here visitors can look over the resources, which include full-text books, pamphlets, and an interactive website. First up is the book "Worms, Shadows, and Whirlpools," which represents a new way to...
Physics: Lesson Plans on the Internet

Professor Norman Herr has worked tirelessly to promote science education through this professional site, and it remains a fine resource for science educators. Here visitors will find a vast range of resources related to teaching physics with a bit of chemistry thrown in for good measure. The site begins with a brief introduction of how to successfully search for such resources using well-known...
The APS Archive of Teaching Resources

The American Physiological Society (APS) Archive of Teaching Resources is a digital library of peer-reviewed science teaching resources that contains over 2,200 lesson plans, teaching journal articles, and audiovisual materials. A range of learned societies contribute materials to the archive, including the APS itself and the International Union of Physiological Societies. On the homepage,...
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension

The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension program is designed to help educators teach their students about the environment, chronic diseases, physical activity, and much more. Visitors can use the Find a Resource area to look over fact sheets, field studies, lesson plans, programs, and publications. The fact sheets include well-thought out primers on energy conservation and sustainable...