The US Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Agriculture in the Classroom Web site(last mentioned in the October 27, 1999 Scout Report for Science & Engineering) has recently been updated. One of the current features, Listening to the Prairie - Farming in Nature's Image, is a useful resource which has many lesson plans and classroom activities for all grades and can be downloaded in Adobe Acrobat...
Articles For Educators is a free resource offered by Virtu Software. On this website, teachers will find lesson plans, field trip ideas, tips and tricks for the classroom written by educators. Visitors can browse the directory of articles by subject or search for a specific topic. This section highlights Mathematics lesson plans written by math teachers and is organized into the following main...
The National Endowment for the Humanities has crafted this remarkable library of humanities lesson plans that can be used by educators, students, or the general public. The lesson plans are divided into topical headings such as "Art & Culture", "Foreign Language", "History & Social Studies", and "Literature & Language Arts". After clicking on one of these topical headings, visitors can search the...
In January 2001, Education World, a prime distributor of free K-12 educational materials on the Web, offers its annual "best of" series, collected from the previous year's articles and compilations on lesson plans, books in education, curriculum, school issues, teacher lessons, technology in the classroom (including Website reviews), and administration. There are ten links per series for a total...
This website hosted by the DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy offers links to educational and training resources on energy. They provide information relevant to students, school administrators and homeowners, in addition to the usual resources for teachers such as curriculum and lesson plans. The section for students provides ideas for energy-related science projects and links to...
Formerly TeacherNet, Essential Learning Products caters to the educational resource needs of K-8 educators, and is certainly one that is worth taking some time to browse through. Developed by the Highlights educational products group, the site contains opportunities for educators to join various discussion lists, classroom resources (such as lesson plans), and links to the webpages of various...
Feeding Minds, Fighting Hunger is "an international classroom for exploring the problems of hunger, malnutrition and food insecurity." Offered in eight languages, the website offers numerous resources for educators, providing adaptable lessons designed to introduce primary, intermediate, and secondary level students to world hunger issues. "Each lesson contains Objectives, Concepts and Activities...
Get the scoop on Ice Cream Science. Dr. Doug Goff, a professor of food science at University of Guelph, Ontario created this site to provide educators with supplemental information for a classroom experiment on ice cream making. This website provides information on many aspects of ice cream including the history, composition, manufacturing process, and structure. This site is designed for teachers...
The Department of Biological Sciences at Idaho State University offers this website as part of a project "to enhance teacher preparation in the sciences by emphasizing inquiry and experimental approaches to science teaching." The site offers one or two lesson plans (mostly at the high school level) for the following subjects: the cell; molecular basis of heredity; biological evolution;...
How do students learn in the classroom? How can teachers best utilize new and emerging technologies in the classroom? What can teachers do to seamlessly incorporate technology into the learning experience? These are all questions that are asked by The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching’s Knowledge Media Laboratory. On their website, users can learn about their work with...