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Child labor

Britain (1)
Developing countries. (2)
Government policy (1)
Laws and legislation (2)
Nepal (1)


By the Sweat & Toil of Children

A Congressionally-mandated series of annual reports on child labor, these reports from the US Department of Labor (DOL) examine child labor in sixteen developing nations around the world. The reports provide an overview of the types of work performed by the estimated 250 million child workers in these countries and their labor conditions. Also included is a review of child labor laws and...
Child Labor Coalition

Formed in 1989, the Child Labor Coalition is a provider of informational and educational outreach about child labor in the public and private sectors. On their website, visitors will find sections on "Child Labor in the U.S." and "Child Labor Around the World", as well as a "Photo Gallery and Media Library". The Child Labor in the U.S. section provides history, causes, and results of child labor...
International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour

The aim of the International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour is "to work towards the progressive elimination of child labour by strengthening national capacities to address child labour problems, and by creating a worldwide movement to combat it." The prime target groups for the Programme are bonded child laborers, children in hazardous working conditions, working girls, and children...
State of the World's Children 1997

The United Nations Children's Fund recently released the 1997 version of State of the World's Children. This publication discusses a single topic related to children's welfare. This year's issue (available on the web in Adobe Acrobat [.pdf] format only) concerns child labor. There are two chapters: "The Convention on the Rights of the Child: A new era for children," and "Children at risk: Ending...