The aim of the International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour is "to work towards the progressive elimination of child labour by strengthening national capacities to address child labour problems, and by creating a worldwide movement to combat it." The prime target groups for the Programme are bonded child laborers, children in hazardous working conditions, working girls, and children under the age of 12 who are working. From the Programme's home page, visitors can learn about the 60 countries that have currently signed up to support the organization's mission, download factsheets about child labor problems, and read the organization's latest progress report. The Online Newsroom contains a photo gallery, full-text versions of speeches and recent presentations given by IPEC officials, and information for journalists. Finally, interested persons will want to take a close look at several important reports published by the IPEC, including "HIV/ AIDS and Child Labour in sub-Saharan Africa" and "Eliminating Hazardous Child Labour Step by Step."