This publication from the Financial Markets Center offers a closer look at the rise of stock options. The report "summarizes the key trends in the use of stock options and highlights the broader implications of this practice for measuring earnings and conducting national economic policy." Five points are discussed in this nine-page document, allowing readers to understand the basic principles and...
According to Employer Costs for Employee Compensation, 1986-98 from the US BLS, employer compensation costs for retirement benefits in the private sector accounted for 8.5 percent of total compensation in 1998, compared to 5.4 percent of total compensation in 1966.
Fortune has recently released its list of the "Best Companies to Work For." According to Fortune, the list consists of 100 companies who were willing "to come up with creative ways to keep their employees satisfied" and treated them with "respect and dignity." 80 companies on the list avoided layoffs last year (in the wake of the September 11th tragedy), while 47 reported that they have some...
These three articles, one by Vid Mohan-Ram and two by Constanza Villalba, were originally published in Science magazine, and offer suggestions on negotiation tactics and strategies for academic positions. They are provided here as a special Science feature on negotiation. Researchers considering changing jobs, or graduate students/ post-docs about to pursue academic positions may find useful...