The European Treasury Browser (ETB) Project has recently released a multilingual thesaurus available in eight languages: Danish, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Spanish, and Swedish. The thesaurus is "aimed at indexing educational resources" and building an "interoperable infrastructure to exchange and network metadata on educational resources for schools in Europe." The project seeks to add value to national resource collections by allowing teachers and students to locate Europe resources. The thesaurus gives users access to all resources, regardless of the indexing method used. Users have a choice of downloading the thesaurus between three different displays -- alphabetical, rotated, or systematic. Potential users of the ETB thesaurus are indexers working in education documentation services, publishers, libraries, teachers, students, administrators, scholars, and researchers. Interested users may find downloading the thesaurus a bit difficult; the first download yields a URL from which users can download the actual file.