The first Web site on telescopes comes from Enchanted, called Inventions: Telescopes (
1). This site gives a brief description of the history of telescopes and their inventors, beginning with Hans Lippershey and his refracting telescope in 1608. The next site, offered by NASA, is the Telescope in Education site (
2). This program provides students from around the world the opportunity to use a remotely controlled telescope and charge-coupled device camera in a real-time, hands-on, interactive environment. All of the information needed for educators to set up the program can be found within. The third site, from the online periodical Sky and Telescope, is called Telescopes and Binoculars (
3). These how-to links give information on choosing your first telescope, caring for optics, using a map for your telescope, making a backyard observatory, and more. From the Australia Telescope National Facility comes the next site, Australia Telescope Compact Array LIVE! (
4). The array is a radio telescope made up of six 22m antennas whose locational and other information is updated every ten seconds on the site. Telescope images and links to other similar sites can also be found here. The next site, from the National Optical Astronomy Observatory, is the Kitt Peak Virtual Tour (
5). The Kitt Peak National Observatory is the first national observatory of the United States and has the world's largest collection of optical telescopes. The site gives a complete tour of the grounds and telescopes, along with descriptions, maps, photographs, and more. The Space Telescope Science Institute's Web site, Hubble Space Telescope Public Pictures (
6), provides a large database of space photographs and press releases regarding Hubble. The extraordinary pictures are categorized by subject and the press releases by year (which also contain relevant photographs). The next site from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey called Image Gallery: Telescope Photos (
7) contains pictures not of what the telescopes are viewing but of the telescopes themselves. The short descriptions and impressive photographs give unfamiliar users an idea of what these machines actually look like. The last site, Telescope Data Center (
8), is maintained by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, which is part of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. The Data Center supports scheduling, observation, data reduction, analysis, and data archiving for the optical telescopes, and offers these products on the site for anyone interested.