According to the creators of the INCI Beauty App, there are "almost 15,000 different chemicals" used in the manufacture of cosmetics, but consumers are often unaware of which ones may be harmful to the environment or human health. Cosmetics users and professionals alike may find answers to their questions with this French app (which is also available in German, Spanish, Italian, and English), which allows users to scan product barcodes or search cosmetic products by name or ingredient. Since 2017, INCI Beauty has used a scientific approach, through a partnership with the Clermont-Ferrand Sigma School of Chemistry, to enable users to analyze cosmetic products, inform themselves about common ingredients, share opinions about different beauty products, and make informed decisions about which products to buy. INCI Beauty is not funded by the beauty industry and donates 1% of its revenue to environmental organizations. The application's web page includes a Trends section that lists the most recently discussed products. Readers can follow INCI Beauty on Instagram (, Twitter (@INCIBeauty), or Facebook (@incibeautyfr).