Biotechnologists, science communicators, and community organizers focusing on food crises may be interested in Farming Future Bangladesh (FFB), a Dhaka-based initiative that seeks to combat food insecurity in Bangladesh with evidence-based, hands-on action. FFB helps to increase awareness about modern agricultural innovations, such as biotechnologies that allow farmers to grow more nutritious crops, and the social, economic, and environmental benefits of applying innovations. The group seeks to enable communities and farmers to make more science-based decisions regarding their crops, as well as engaging scientists, agriculture officials, faith leaders, media professionals, and youth to work toward future food security for all of Bangladesh. FFB also advocates for policy changes to make Bangladesh's biosafety regulatory system predictable, evidence-driven, and consistent with international best practices. In all decisions and methods, the initiative is guided by a simple motto: "Evidence. Engage. Empower." Readers interested in issues in agriculture and global development may want to check out FFB's Resources (in a drop-down menu), which include a podcast, photo and video library, and policy downloads. The initiative is supported through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Cornell Alliance for Science, and Michigan State University.