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500 Queer Scientists

LGBTQ+ individuals make important contributions to STEM fields every day, but their leadership often goes unrecognized. 500 Queer Scientists aims to boost visibility for LGBTQ+ people working in STEM by sharing their stories, highlighting role models, forming connections, and letting people know they are not alone. Submissions from users around the globe have well exceeded the goal of 500 scientists, and the project now profiles more than 1500 people. On the homepage, readers can click the photos to read each user-submitted story. Many featured individuals include links to connect with them on social media or find out more about their work. To filter by STEM field or location, readers can navigate to the Search page from the menu bar at the top of the site. The Resources page includes a link to The 500QS Reader, a monthly newsletter with people, publications, and organizations of interest in the LGBTQ+ STEM community. A recent issue profiled Kyne, a drag queen and mathematician, and Queer AI, an organization advocating for representation and inclusion in the artificial intelligence field. Also on the Resources page, readers will find links to a job board and community events calendar. 500 Queer Scientsists is active on Instagram (@500queerscientists) and Twitter (@500queersci).
Alternate Title
Five Hundred Queer Scientists
Archived Scout Publication URL
Scout Publication
GEM Subject
Date of Scout Publication
July 2nd, 2021
Date Of Record Creation
June 18th, 2021 at 11:00am
Date Of Record Release
June 23rd, 2021 at 11:39am
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