CollectionBuilder is a Jekyll-based static site generator that produces metadata-driven digital exhibitions and digital collection websites. Users create a CSV file that describes the images, documents, and other media to be included on a site. From this file, CollectionBuilder generates a complete static site. In addition to item-level information pages, CollectionBuilder can also produce a number of different visualizations and navigation aids such as maps, timelines, subject-based browsing pages, and several different kinds of tag clouds. The CollectionBuilder documentation provides step-by-step instructions describing three different types of installation: using GitHub Pages, as a standalone tool to use on any site, or as a skin for data stored in a CONTENTdm instance. The project front page links to example sites employing each of these configurations and describes what use-case each is best suited for. In the GitHub Pages installation type, no software is required beyond a web browser. The other installation types require git, Ruby, and Jekyll. Instructions for how to install the required software are provided for Windows, macOS, and Linux systems.