Musescore is typesetting software for musical scores that supports a wide range of file formats and methods of data entry. In addition to staves, it can also be used to typeset percussion notation, tablature, fretboad diagrams, lyrics, and nearly all features commonly (and uncommonly) encountered in sheet music. Musescore includes style options that can be used to change the layout and appearance of a given score. A set of style options from one score can be saved as a style sheet and then applied to another score. Musescore includes its own built-in synthesizer that can be used to play back and preview a score. Under the Support menu on the Musescore site, users can locate a Tutorials section that contains step-by-step instructions on the basics of how to use the software. In the Handbook portion of the Support section, users can locate a detailed reference manual for the software. In the Download section of the site, users can locate installation packages for Windows, macOS, several distributions of Linux, and several of the BSD operating systems.