From the University of Glasgow's Centre for Robert Burns Studies (also responsible for Editing Robert Burns for the 21st Century, as featured in the 11-13-2020 Scout Report), this course explores the poet's writings, songs, manuscripts, and objects. The course is designed for beginners; curiosity is the only prerequisite. Led by a team of literary experts and Burns enthusiasts, students will be introduced to the wondrous life and legacy of "Scotland's Poet." Included in the course is an analysis of the heart-wrenching "Ae Fond Kiss" (about lovers parting ways) and the heartwarming yet bittersweet "Auld Lang Syne" (a popular New Year's hymn). The three week course invites learners to progress at their own pace (note that an average of four hours of work per week is expected). To register, users will have to create a FutureLearn account. A basic account is free to create, though enhanced features are available for a fee.