Looking for a creative venture during stay-at-home? With funding from CLIR (Council on Library and Information Resources), multiple organizations (including the Riverside Church in New York City, the Library of Congress, the American Archive of Public Broadcasting, and WGBH Educational Foundation) have digitized more than 3,000 reel-to-reel recordings from WRVR-FM's 1961-1971 broadcasts. During this 10-year time span the radio station played interviews, speeches, and musical interpretations on topics like civil rights, war, and fine arts. These clips included commentary from ordinary citizens and notable scholars, namely Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, and Pete Seeger. Readers can help the project collaborators by participating in a crowd-sourced effort to correct the computer generated transcripts of the recordings. Click on a record from the main page to find instructions (as well as a link to a transcription tutorial). The corrected transcripts will be available alongside the media on the American Archive of Public Broadcasting website, where transcripts of other public radio broadcasts can also be found (corrected or simply read and listened to).