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Better Human Podcast

Better Human, a podcast by London-based human rights lawyer Adam Wagner, welcomes listeners into fascinating conversations about human rights law and principles. Wagner launched the podcast with three goals. First, Wagner seeks to discuss complex human rights issues. Second, the podcast breaks down important human rights concepts into accessible terms. And third, the show hopes to answer the fundamental question, "can human rights make our societies better?" Readers interested in human rights history may enjoy Episode 7, "The fascinating inside story of the Human Rights Act's birth." This episode discusses how the UK passed the Human Rights Act 1998, "its first modern bill of rights." Readers may also be interested in a series of episodes on the intersection of COVID-19 and human rights law. The podcast is supported by the Goldsmiths University Law Department and individual donors. Listeners will find the show on most podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Anchor, Spotify, and RadioPublic, and may also wish to follow the show on Twitter, @BHumanPodcast.
Archived Scout Publication URL
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GEM Subject
Date of Scout Publication
December 11th, 2020
Date Of Record Creation
November 27th, 2020 at 12:38pm
Date Of Record Release
December 1st, 2020 at 8:14am
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