Pagekite is a reverse proxy service that can make sites and services running on a user's local machine accessible from the Internet, even for machines that are behind a firewall. For example, a web developer could use Pagekite to make the development copy of a site residing on their personal machine accessible over the Internet for testing or review. Users configure names for the services they want to set up (called "kites"), then run a small helper program on their computer that connects to Pagekite's cloud. When a request for a given kite arrives from the public Internet, it is forwarded along to the helper and then to whatever program on the user's machine should handle it. In Pagekite's QuickStart Guide (found on the Support page), users can find instructions for setting up a website both with and without a web server running on their computer. The Pagekite wiki contains instructions for setting up additional types of services such as Minecraft, SSH, VNC, and others. Pagekite is written in Python and should run anywhere that Python does. The Pagekite front page provides installation instructions for Windows, Macintosh, and Linux systems. The service is free to all users for one month. Individuals can continue to receive free service thereafter by providing a review of Pagekite.