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On the Land

Westernized discussions of land planning are often disingenuous to the Indigenous voices and experiences that protected "the land despite generations of attempted and forced genocide, removal, and assimilation." On the Land re-centers these voices and stories. The podcast is a project of Deenaalee ("a Deg Xit'an Athabaskan and Supiaq womxn," whose pursuits include podcast production, public policy advocacy, and protection of natural resources), and Micheli Oliver (a "descendent from the Niitisapi (Blackfeet) people," who uses her photography talents as a vessel for "decolonization and social justice [and] Indigenous sovereign rights,"). So far, On the Land has released its inaugural season, Xilegg: Our Arctic Presence, which uplifts "the voices of Indigenous people from throughout the Arctic," and hopes to inspire "non-Indigenous scientists, policy makers, allies, government officials, and citizens from the north and beyond," to follow the advice of "Indigenous Knowledge holders who are our Experts." Listeners should begin with the Xilegg trailer, a short introduction to the season and its focus, before diving into the episodes. Each episode presents an in-depth discussion, ranging from forty to eighty minutes, on topics including community care and land and climate justice. Though the show went on a brief hiatus over the summer, episodes are back and will be released monthly moving forward. In addition to the podcast, the website highlights several other resources (for example, the Toolkit/Shownotes section links to readings, multimedia projects, and advocacy tools). Listeners should check back soon for updates to the Glossary and Syllabus sections.
Archived Scout Publication URL
Scout Publication
GEM Subject
Date of Scout Publication
October 2nd, 2020
Date Of Record Creation
September 16th, 2020 at 10:56am
Date Of Record Release
September 29th, 2020 at 2:40pm
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