Looking for the perfect ways to share your paleontological knowledge with the general public? The Paleontological Society's Education and Outreach Committee's "A Guide to Outreach: Engaging the Public with Paleontology" has some great tips. This 15-page guide (available as a free PDF at the link above) was created in 2014 under a Creative Commons license. As the guide notes, "communication is an essential component of scientific practice," and it is crucial to match your communication style to your audience. The guide divides its contents into sections, including Finding an Audience and Sample Activities. These activities are designed to be completed in less than an hour, perfect for a community or school presentation. Additionally, the guide ends with a section full of extra resources to assist presenters. While aimed at paleontology scholars, some of the guide's tips are transferable to any science field. The Paleontological Society is focused on "the advancement of the science of paleontology: invertebrate and vertebrate paleontology, micropaleontology, and paleobotany."