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She Can STEM

By "giv[ing] visibility to women currently leading the world of STEM," She Can STEM hopes to inspire girls to recognize their potential within STEM fields. The resource highlights the stories of several women, including rocket designers, engineers, inventors, and other STEM superstars, and walks readers through a timeline of each woman's journey. The stories start by exploring what experiences made them interested in STEM, go on to explore internships and jobs that solidified these interests, and conclude by showcasing the work they are doing now. Additionally, following each story is a Feeling Inspired? section that lists websites and resources relating to each field. She Can STEM also has a YouTube channel (linked in the top-right corner of the website) that features short clips of interviews between girls and women in STEM fields. Plus, scrolling to the bottom of the landing page, readers will find additional materials (on the aptly titled Resources page, linked under "Explore STEM Resources"). Instructors will want to check out the Educator's Guide, also linked at the bottom of the landing page. This "She Can STEM" toolkit is a 55 page PDF with lesson plans and activities. She Can STEM is a partnership between several corporate and nonprofit entities, including Bloomberg, Google, and Verizon.
Archived Scout Publication URL
Scout Publication
Date of Scout Publication
August 14th, 2020
Date Of Record Creation
July 23rd, 2020 at 12:59pm
Date Of Record Release
July 24th, 2020 at 8:10am
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