Created by Parsons School of Design student Joe Steele, Moving the Line: Shifting Borders and Disparities in American Cities is an interactive data visualization project exploring the relationship between "interpersonal prejudice" and "institutional causes" of discrimination. The resource begins by providing a brief history of redlining, a process defined as "the selective denial of credit and services to physically-defined spaces, on the basis of race." Then, using Philadelphia as an example, the project shows how these disparities continue to have effects in the present-day. Interactive maps allow users to investigate changes and parallels in housing disparities over nearly a century. For example, users can select "Scale Tracts by Income" or "Scale Tracts by Housing Value" and watch the data come to life, visually representing different "spatial disparities" based on race and socioeconomic status. In doing so, Moving the Line leaves a clear message: "place matters." This resource was created with Mapbox and OpenStreetMap technology.