COVID-19 has consumed news cycles over the past few months, but this collection, published in The Guardian on April 6, 2020, takes a different angle on its global effect. Titled "Coronavirus street art in pictures," the collection features 23 images from cities around the world, highlighting some common themes and some unique reflections on the way COVID-19 has shaped our lives. In doing so, the collection showcases impressive and "attention-grabbing street art." Masked figures are a common feature of many pieces, as are nods to healthcare heroes (e.g. the selected murals from Italy and Poland). Some of the pieces make literary and pop culture references. For example, Eme Freethinker's mural in Berlin, Germany includes a character from Lord of the Rings and a mural in San Antonio, Texas uses a quote from rap artist Cardi B to encourage viewers to stay home. Perhaps the gallery will inspire you to create your own artistic response to our current reality.