Students, teachers, and just about anyone with an interest in American history will find helpful resources at the Memorial Hall Museum Online, a village museum of 300-year-old Deerfield, Massachusetts. Features of the site include: the Digital Collection, a searchable database of over 1,000 artifacts selected from 70,000 in the Museum's holdings; In the Classroom, a collection of curriculum ideas for teachers; and the Turns of the Centuries exhibit. This exhibit presents images and artifacts on five broad themes: Family Life, Native American Indians, African Americans, Newcomers, and The Land. The exhibits span across three eras -- 1680-1720, 1780-1820, and 1880-1920. For example, in The Land 1880-1920, view a collection of posters and publicity from the agricultural fairs and expositions popular at that time. Photographs by Frances and Mary Allen are used as illustrations throughout the site. These photographs, produced between 1885 and 1920, are often romanticized visions of colonial times in New England but are nonetheless significant examples of Pictorial style photography. There is also an Activities section, with Scavenger Hunt, Dress Up, Make a Chronology, and a Tailor Your Visit pages. The latter suggests resources for teachers, researchers, and K-12 students.