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NOVA Online: Life's Greatest Miracle

The companion Web site to the NOVA program Life's Greatest Miracle, which PBS will re-broadcast on February 26th, is a great site for anyone interested in human pregnancy and fetal development. With wide-ranging information, this Web site is likely to appeal to many different audiences; users can even choose to view the entire program online. Those users interested mainly in the science of human development will enjoy How Cells Divide and How Sex is Determined. Those more interested in learning about pregnancy can read journal entries from an expectant mother or learn about various screening techniques used to assess the health of an unborn baby. An essay on the stem cell debate gives insight to the controversial topic. A teacher's guide is also provided, offering suggestions for discussion and activities associated with the television program.
Date of Scout Publication
January 25th, 2002
Date Of Record Creation
April 7th, 2003 at 4:08pm
Date Of Record Release
April 7th, 2003 at 4:08pm
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