The University of Chicago Press offers, at this site, a series of essays, "Reflections by our authors in the aftermath." Among the seven essays are "Metaphors of Terror" by George Lakoff, "Islam Has Been Hijacked, And Only Muslims Can Save It" by Jonathan Rauch, and "An Arab American Internment?" by Eric L. Muller. The perspectives here are varied, and the essays are thoughtful meditations, some poetic others analytical. The site opens with a brief passage: "At the moment of catastrophe we fall silent. Language fails. The words come back; understanding takes much longer. As we return to normal -- or to the state of heightened alertness we now call normal -- we return to the task of explicating a world which seems suddenly to have become inexplicable." And in that spirit, Charles Bernstein asks in his essay "Report from Liberty Street," "The question isn't is art up to this but what else is art for?"