This online feature from Archaeology magazine, the official publication of the Archaeological Institute of America, explores 300 years of an American farm in Brooklyn, New York. Promised are spiritual rites, forgotten garret rooms, candle drippings, intriguing x-inscribed artifacts, and ties to the Underground Railroad. Cool stuff. The team of archaeologists includes H. Arthur Bankoff (chairman and professor of anthropology and archaeology at Brooklyn College, City University of New York), Christopher Ricciardi (PhD candidate at Syracuse University), and Alyssa Loorya (PhD candidate at CUNY's Graduate Center). From 1999, the Brooklyn College team has investigated the ways in which the Lott family responded to the changing landscape of their Brooklyn farmhouse from the early eighteenth century into the 1980s, excavating around the house, examining the structure itself, perusing archives, and tracking down descendants. What they are discovering (the work is ongoing) is a fascinating story of an enduring American family. The Website does deliver on the promises and lets users follow the research by reading dig notes and participating in online discussions. One might wish for a snappier overall site design and more detail, but the story is so good you will soon forget about these quibbles.