Yesterday, an underwater archaeology team working in Egypt's Bay of Aboukir unveiled its latest findings in a press conference. The team, led by Franck Goddio, in collaboration with the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities, has been excavating the site for the past year, and the artifacts they shared with the world yesterday seem to confirm that the buried city is, in fact, the ancient Egyptian port Heracleion, legendary as the destination of Helen of Troy and her lover Paris when they fled Menelaus, Helen's husband. Once one of the most popular Egyptian ports, Heracleion was surpassed in importance by Alexandria, yet scientists are unclear about how the city met its end at the bottom of the sea floor, with many believing an earthquake to be responsible. Regardless, the site is a treasure trove of artifacts in wonderful condition (all dating prior to the first century B.C.), and it seems certain we can look forward to more discoveries.