Jeff Krulik is best-known for his 1986 fifteen-minute masterpiece, Heavy Metal Parking Lot, which he produced with John Heyn and which subsequently became one of the most widely distributed underground videos of all time. For anyone who was a teenager or young adult in the mid-1980s, this film will definitely bring back some memories, as it perfectly and affectionately captures the essence of heavy metal culture. Since 1986, Krulik has made a number of entertaining and enlightening documentaries of varying lengths, which explore subjects such as the crowd at a Neil Diamond concert (shot in the same parking lot ten years later), an annual Goodwill book sale, Washington Redskins fans after the 1988 Super Bowl victory, a Harry Potter book-signing, and a cross-country drive with Ernest Borgnine, among many others. Krulik's entire corpus is now available online for viewing in RealPlayer and QuickTime formats. Please note two caveats. First, some of the films contain strong language or are otherwise unsuited for young viewers. Second, films in QuickTime tended to load extremely slowly for us, although the film quality was superior to RealPlayer versions. One part anthropological study, one part tongue-in-cheek short documentary, and one part public access program, these films should appeal to a range of mature viewers.