"An online database of heritage images from the National Library of New Zealand," Timeframes offers over 20,000 images. The extensive collection of photographs, drawings, cartoons, and other images can be searched by keyword or by cataloged fields and browsed by an alphabetical index of topics. Every aspect of New Zealand life and history seems to be represented here, from industry to education to agriculture to social life to the Maori people. But obviously any list shorter than the browseable index will be woefully incomplete. The images are offered in thumbnail and full-size, with complete catalog entries, and may be ordered online. "The item information records in Timeframes are created from the database TAPUHI. TAPUHI provides access to descriptions of the unpublished manuscripts and pictures collections of New Zealand and Pacific material in the Alexander Turnbull Library" at the National Library of New Zealand. A link to TAPHUI is posted on the about page. The site requires free registration.