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The Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Project

The Center for Space Research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology provides this site with data and other information from the Rossini X-Ray Timing Explorer (XTE) Mission's High Energy X-ray Timing Experiment (HEXTE). Visitors to the site can access recent, raw light curve data (HTML) using the ASM (All-Sky Monitor) Data Extraction Form into which source name, coordinates, start and stop time, and type of band intensity results (chi-sq., theta, pi, etc.) can be entered. Plots of light curves, updated weekly, are accessible through the ASM Light Curves page which gives a selection of thumbnail images that can be clicked on for details. The All-Sky Monitor Cross Box page "showcases events when two strong detections of new source candidates yield overlapping error boxes in the realtime analysis" and a link to the STSci Digitized Sky Survey data. QuickTime and g-zipped animations and interviews with astronomers can be downloaded from the All Sky Monitor Movies Page. The animation of the X-Ray sky, created from the detected light curves, shows stellar systems, galaxies, and black holes as they appear from x-ray detectors. Descriptions of the clips precede the animations. Weekly summaries of the XTE craft's position are also available. The high volume of numeric information posted makes the site a bit difficult for people unfamiliar with the x-ray data to navigate, but space scientists will be able to find items of interest here.
Archived Scout Publication URL
Date of Scout Publication
February 14th, 2001
Date Of Record Creation
April 7th, 2003 at 3:03pm
Date Of Record Release
April 7th, 2003 at 3:03pm
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