Mac OS X (read OS ten) is Apple's next-generation operating system and represents the largest overhaul of the Mac OS to date. Mac OS X promises to bring key technical features such as protected memory (which prevents an individual application from crashing the entire system) to the Macintosh platform for the first time. In addition to completely replacing the underpinnings of the Mac OS, Apple is also working on overhauling the user interface for OS X. The new interface, known as "Aqua," sports a translucent candy-colored look and adds a new feature called "the dock" to the bottom of the screen. According to Apple, Mac OS X beta is supported by any Macintosh that shipped with a G3 or G4 processor except for the original PowerBook G3; Apple recommends 128 MB RAM. To run older applications in the "classic" environment also requires a copy of Mac OS 9; the CD doesn't include one.