Launched on September 7 2000 by Eduhound, EduPuppy bills itself as "everything for Education Preschool-Grade 2." Edupuppy is a large (2,600 sites) subject directory/metasite. The links are organized in over 40 main categories, and most are briefly annotated. The directory may also be browsed via an alphabetical list of keywords. Eduhound has a similar design, with 60 categories of K-12 resources and several additional features. These include a site of the week, a collection of "A+" sites, and EduHound Hotlists, a free service that allows users to create their own password-protected Webpage of educational resources. A smaller version of the site is available in Spanish. Both sites offer a free weekly newsletter delivered via email. Subscription information is accessed through a button on the main page. The first issue of EduPuppy Weekly is slated for September 26.