A work in progress, this site outlines resources for computer vision techniques, including societies and funding; general references and lab procedures; and indices and programs for mathematics, computer science, graphics and physics. The goal of this electronic handbook is to provide graduate students and others new to computer vision research with a useful tool because, "...the computer vision literature is vast and diverse. Furthermore, computer vision research depends on techniques from a wide range of other fields. Therefore, it is difficult for newcomers (e.g. graduate students) to assimilate enough background material to do their research," says the site's collaborative authors, scientists from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Harvey Mudd College, and the University of Iowa. This metasite is well-organized into subheadings: The Computer Vision Community, Computer Vision, Mathematics, Computer Science, Hardware, and Allied Fields, and a glossary is also available. Because it collects so much of the literature and so many Websites, the Computer Vision Handbook is an indispensable tool for graduate students and faculty in the field.