This Website is the labor of love of Mike Everhart, who in 1978 found his first mosasaur, an extinct giant marine reptile that resembles an overgrown crocodile. From that point forward, Everhart devoted his energy to hunting for fossils of marine reptiles, and he now is Adjunct Curator of Paleontology at the Sternberg Museum of Natural History. Oceans of Kansas provides information about life in the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway, a broad sea that once stretched across much of modern day America, including Kansas. The Smoky Hills Chalk of Kansas contains hundreds of marine reptile fossils, and visitors to this Website can view color illustrations and images of mosasaurs, plesiosaurs, and other marine reptile fossils from Kansas and all over the world. This site combines original writings by Everhart with links to other excellent resources on the Western Interior Seaway, marine reptiles, and general paleontology. Oceans of Kansas is updated regularly with many paleontological researchers adding links. Recent features include exciting new reconstruction paintings from the Paleo-Life Art page and a color photo of a newly restored mosasaur skull from the Pierre Shale of South Dakota. Whether you are a practicing paleontologist or just a natural history buff, this information-rich site is not to be missed.