The Goettingen State and University Library has announced the final version of its digitized Gutenberg Bible. All 1,282 pages of the Bible, one of only four complete, illuminated copies on vellum, have been scanned and placed online in both German and English versions. Visitors can browse the text by Book via a pull-down menu and then select pages to view as double or single pages, the latter providing the largest image. Eighty-eight of the pages are illuminated and partly gilded and may be viewed separately. In addition to the Bible, the site also offers two digitized documents: "the Goettingen Model Book, a contemporary manuscript which provided the patterns for the decoration of the Goettingen Bible; and the famous Helmasperger's Notarial Instrument (6th November 1455), dealing with Gutenberg's invention, known as the 'Werk der Buecher' (work of books) and Gutenberg's business relations with Johannes Fust." Also included are brief features on Gutenberg's life and printing. The Goettingen State and University Library is to be thanked for making this rare and beautiful text freely available to the world.