In June 2000 the UN General Assembly held a special session, "Women 2000: Gender Equality, Development and Peace for the Twenty-first Century," also known as Beijing + 5, to review the actions taken and lessons learned since the Platform for Action was unanimously adopted at the Fourth World Conference on Women held in Beijing in 1995. In addition, the session debated "further actions and initiatives for achieving gender equality in the new millennium." Attended by over 10,000 women and men from 188 countries, the session is expected to issue today a final political declaration calling for a recommitment to the Beijing Platform for Action. Throughout the week, this final document has been the subject of considerable debate and negotiations, and users can read the full text, as well as related documents and resolutions, at the Women 2000 Website. Other resources at the site include live and archived RealPlayer Webcasts, daily press releases, background information, and a list of speakers.