This Website from the University of Pennsylvania Library, while not brand new, certainly provides an excellent overview of the career and music of one of the 20th century's most noted conductors, Leopold Stokowski. Stokowski was particularly known both for his advocacy of contemporary classical music and for his abiding interest in the latest technological innovations in musical production and transmission. Both of these passions are very much in evidence as the Website traces his career from his early devotion to music as a young organist to his rebellious years at Oxford and on into his triumphs with the Philadelphia orchestra and his later involvement with Hollywood. This latter association was motivated by his desire to "help bring great music to the movies" and, hence, to the masses. The site narrates his career in words and images, generously supplemented by audio portions of interviews with Stokowski given throughout his career. The musical selections section offers a dozen substantial selections of Stokowski conducting, including his rendition of Mussorgsky's "Night on Bald Mountain" for the Disney film Fantasia and a video segment of Schubert's "Ave Maria" performed with Marian Anderson.