Created and maintained as an independent project by Preston Hunter, this site offers a large collection of statistics on religion, currently totalling more than 44,000 adherent statistics and religious geography citations for "over 4,000 religions, churches, denominations, religious bodies, faith groups, tribes, cultures, movements, ultimate concerns, etc." While deep, the site offers these statistics with absolutely no filtering or distillation, and some users may find the listings somewhat confusing. Those in search of quick facts (largest religions, major branches, largest churches, etc.) will find them on the main page. More detailed statistics are found in the two indexes -- Religion by Location and Religion by Name. The indexes list groups, location, number of adherents, percentage of total population, number of congregations, number of countries, source, and notes or a quote. Users will find numerous and sometimes contradictory statistics for some faiths, depending on the sources used and their dates. Despite this, the listings at this site are downright huge and may prove useful to a wide variety of students, researchers, and interested users.