In its fourth year, Museums and the Web 2000 was held April 16-19, 2000, in Minneapolis, where international attendees discussed and explored a number of themes related to exhibits and programming on the Web. Those unable to attend the conference can still benefit from the 60+ presentations and demonstration papers now available on the Web. Some describe individual projects, while others answer how-to questions for museums just venturing into the digital realm. Examples of paper topics include "Integration of Primary Resource Materials into Elementary School Curricula," "Protecting a museum's digital stock through watermarks," "How to get more than 500,000 museum-visitors within 6 months," and "Universal Access: Designing Web Pages for the Hearing- and Visually-Impaired." Abstracts are available for those papers that are not available online in full-text. Papers and abstracts from the previous three conferences are also available at the above URL.