The Asia Recovery Information Center was first conceived at the Meeting on Development Cooperation: Responding to the Asia Crisis, in Sydney, Australia in March 1999. The ARIC Website has three objectives: to monitor the social and economic impacts, as well as the recovery process, of the Asian Crisis; to collect and disseminate information on the response of the international community to the Crisis; and to add to the dialogs about "policy reform in response to the crisis." Although it will be expanded to cover more countries, at present, ARIC covers the five main countries affected by the Crisis -- Indonesia, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand. ARIC's information is divided into seven sections. Recovery News is updated daily and contains news briefs and articles from around the world (both the source and the country of origin are noted). Hard data can be found in ARIC Indicators, which holds more than 40 social, economic, and financial indictors presented in both table and chart form. The Country Focus section allows users to search ARIC's information by topic and by country. The site also lists meetings and conferences, as well as offering an extensive collection of notable links. This resource is truly invaluable to users following the Asian Crisis.