The US Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS)'s National Conservation Training Center (NCTC) provides "training and education services to the natural resource management community to better accomplish our common goal of conserving fish, wildlife, and their habitat." The NCTC homepage spans an impressive list of training topics, from Aquatics/Fisheries Resources and Environmental Contaminants through GIS and GPS, to name a few. Each topic area contains a hyperlinked listing of courses (available at the NCTC campus in West Virginia) with course summaries and objectives. Additionally, a particularly useful feature of the NCTC homepage is the Conservation Library (in the National Systems section). Here, users may access FWS publications, search several citation databases, browse a list of new titles, or click on links to other Web libraries. While some parts of the site are restricted to FWS employees, most sections are open to the public, and well worth the visit.