Created by Jennifer Hubert, Young Adult Librarian at the Queens Borough Public Library in New York City, and Webmaster Andrew Mutch of Novi, Michigan, this site offers booklists for young adult readers "who need a good read, but are wondering if there's life after Judy Blume and Gary Paulsen." Hubert believes that some adults don't give teens enough credit when it comes to reading tastes, and she aims to introduce them to books that are interesting and demand a little more of them than typical young adult selections. The Reading Rants lists are accessed via a pull-down menu in the lower-right section of the Homepage. Highlights include Boy Meets Book: Best Boy Reads, Riot Grrrrl! Reads, Deadheads and Mosh-pits: Books about being in a band, and Bare Bones: Honest Fiction about Weight and Eating Disorders. New reviews and lists are featured on the home page. Hubert notes that some of the titles listed will be found in the Adult rather than the Young Adult section of the library, but that's exactly the point. A fine site for teen readers, teachers, and librarians.