UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund) has recently released The Progress of Nations 1996 on the Internet. Progress of Nations records what is happening to the health, nutrition, and education of children today. It monitors not only specific advances and regression in some of the key areas of human well-being, but also the overall investment that countries are making in their own futures. According to Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali, "Many disturbing issues are dealt with in this 1996 edition, including exceptionally high rates of child malnutrition in some areas, and the dreadful toll taken on women's lives and health in countries that lack emergency care in childbirth. But the facts and figures set out in these pages also tell a story of sustained progress in reducing child illnesses and child deaths, in slowly improving nutritional standards for most countries, and in the steady rise of the percentage of boys and girls who are enrolled in school." The book contains sections on women, nutrition, health, education, children's rights, and statistical indicators.