AEGIS, "the largest HIV/AIDS web site in the world," was developed by Sister Mary Elizabeth of the Sisters of St. Elizabeth of Hungary and is currently funded by private donors and grants from The National Library of Medicine and Roxane Laboratories. This feature-rich site is awash in valuable HIV resources. Today's HIV News, also available via email subscription, provides the latest news on treatment, statistics, policy, and research. The Key Topics section contains information about treatment, prevention, exposure, nutrition, discrimination, and includes data and information resources for groups including women, children, minorities, the deaf, visually-impaired, and developmentally disabled. The Publications link takes users to Patient Newsletters, Medical Journals, news sources, and government information. The Reference section features a Clinical Trials Finder and a historical timeline of HIV/AIDS. Visitors can also find links to discussion groups and information services in Connecting to Others, and the full text of Supreme Court and Appellate Court decisions, briefs, and opinions in the Law Library. The site is updated hourly and portions are available in Spanish and other languages. Access to the AIDS Active Desktop area requires Microsoft Internet Explorer, v.4.01 or later.