The National Security Archive, a non-governmental research institute hosted by George Washington University (reviewed in the
September 20, 1996 Scout Report), has collected and placed online another invaluable collection of previously classified US foreign policy documents. This time, the Archive has turned its attention to US involvement in Guatemala, creating an Electronic Briefing Book of 32 digitally imaged primary documents related to policy in Guatemala and spanning the years 1966 to 1995. The documents -- secret cables, letters, and briefing papers from the CIA, Defense Intelligence Agency, and State Department -- are offered in chronological order with concise and helpful annotations. Researchers might consider this Briefing Book, which reveals extensive knowledge of human rights abuses in Guatemala by the US intelligence community and State Department, as a companion to the recent report, "Guatemala: Memory of Silence," produced by the Guatemalan Historical Clarification Commission (CEH) (reviewed in the
March 5, 1999 Scout Report).