MP3, a file format that offers near-CD quality sound in very small file sizes, is one of the most popular computerized audio technologies ever. However, the widespread bootlegging of copyrighted music has also made it rather controversial, especially where the recording industry is concerned. After discovering that MP3 was one of the most requested terms on its search engines, Lycos decided to create a search engine just for MP3. Fast MP3 Search currently contains over 500,000 files, searchable by artist or song name. To assist users, an MP3 Server Reliability Guide ranks the more than 1000 FTP servers accessed on a five star system, five being the most reliable. Additional resources at the site include ranked links to MP3 players and encoders and a guide to getting started. Search returns do not distinguish between pirated and legally provided songs, but Lycos has agreed to work with the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) to combat copyright infringement.