As the podcast IRL points out, "Our online life is real life. We walk, talk, work, LOL and even love on the Internet but we don't always treat it like real life." Since occurrences and interactions online can frequently have real-world effects, this disconnect is worth pondering, and this is exactly the issue that IRL addresses. Currently in its fifth season, IRL was created by Firefox, and it is hosted by Manoush Zomorodi, who took over for Veronica Belmont at the beginning of season four. Recent episode topics include the various ways the internet influences democracy in the US and abroad, the internet's environmental footprint, and the confusing relationship between privacy policies and our personal data. Episodes are typically about half an hour in length, and the lively, thought-provoking discussions move along quickly. Readers can stream and download all episodes of IRL, as well as access show notes, at the link above. Those interested can also subscribe via RadioPublic, Spotify, or other podcast platforms.