The US Census Bureau provides access to a staggering amount of data that can be used to create "detailed portraits of the changing characteristics of [American] communities," but for the uninitiated, interpreting that data can be a challenge. To help address this difficulty, the Census Bureaus Statistics in Schools (SIS) program has created this collection of classroom geography activities designed to supplement the standard curriculum while providing useful learning tools related to real life data. Here, readers will find detailed, well-developed activity plans for students in grades 4-12, broadly grouped into grade level appropriate topics: elementary (e.g. "Examining Changes to the Environment Through Pictures and Data"), middle school (e.g. "What role does Geography Play in the Census?"), and high school (e.g. "Analyzing Correlations of Education and Income"). Individual activities indicate the specific grade level(s) they are intended for, and each gives a description, states the time and materials required, and also provides a list of learning objectives and a Bloom's Taxonomy teacher's note. Each lesson includes downloadable PDFs of teacher and student versions of the activity.